As I continue to deepen my relationship with Echoe (my horse), I have spent time this year asking him many questions about his desires, how he wants to live his life and how I can help him to create those desires. I have asked him how I further enhance my own life as I continue to understand the meaning and purpose of my own existence.
Echoe’s response to my question, “What is Existence?” was quite simply, JUST BE!. He said that humans have made life too complicated and we need to simplify.
Echoe is a being of few words, but his words are impactful. I have learned that we don’t need an agenda, a goal, we don’t need to ride every day. I have learned that we can JUST BE. That spending time sitting with him as he chews on his hay, or allowing him to rub his head on me to scratch places he can’t get to himself, are just as important as going for a ride.
Echoe enjoys Reiki, and especially enjoys me rubbing and scratching him. I stand still and hold out my hands. He moves his body so I can reach the places where he needs attention. Often it is his head, the underside of his neck, his chest and his withers. He provides the pressure by leaning in to, or away from me. Somehow as we focus on what is important to him, in that moment, there is so much we share and I often feel quite satisfied spending that kind of time with him.
Horses are content to JUST BE! Their lives in the wild are simple, although being prey animals, they still live life based on eating, movement, play and procreation. In the domesticated situation they lose their ability to roam, be in a herd, find their own food, and exist. We have created an animal that has a job to do, they have their ‘job’ chosen for them, usually in the discipline that their rider is most suited to. They can become shut down, they realize that no one is listening to them, and they resolve themselves to their situation. They get moved from home to home as each person finds the perfect horse for their needs.
With the reintroduction of natural horsemanship, of approaching our relationship with our horses differently, of understanding this is a two-way street, of realizing they don’t want to fight with us, they want to BE with us, work with us and teach us much of their own knowledge and wisdom, many of these outdated partnerships are shifting into relationships that have depth, that a bond can be created, that we will speak their language and we do understand that they are not a machine, but a living, breathing creature that has thoughts, memories and feelings, just like we do.
I have seen so many amazing partnerships shift as we open up to all these horses can bring to us. I have seen bonds being recreated, horses with behavioral issues, completely change as they are listened to and their story is heard. I have witnessed people cry as we connect with the history of their horse, and facilitate release of the experience so the horse and their person can truly build a bond of trust and friendship. I have seen horses cry as they release their past! I have cried as I have felt the pain and anguish that the horse holds deep inside.
I have watched so many of these horses give life one more try and been in amazement of the transformation that can happen. They find the person who will open up and listen and the incredible journey that opens up before them. There are many videos and information available on how to create these very special bonds. The depth of emotion, and sense of love and honor is shared unconditionally. I have learned through Echoe and other horses that their behavior is simply the only way they can bring to our attention how they feel, what hurts, who they do and don’t like and WHY they do what they do. It’s all so important in the evolution of our relationship with our equine companions.
Last night after bringing the horses to their night time pasture (one that is closer to the house), Echoe, who usually finds the nearest pile of hay, remained at the gate. This is not usual and so rather than going inside, I went back to him to see what he needed. He needed to JUST BE with me. I rubbed him over this body and scratched him in all is favorite places. After a while he took a deep breath and a sigh, he gently turned away and walked over to the hay. I stood for a few minutes and felt what had just happened, so simple yet so fulfilling.
Today after I turned them out, Echoe found a perfect snow spot and laid down to roll. Over and over he went, rubbing in the snow. My plan to groom him was taken care of!! I love to watch, but I am being mindful of remaining very present in these moments. It was so joyful, yet calming to be in his energy. While he was rolling, Tango (the mini), was racing around, bucking and kicking. Each to their own in that moment – it was perfect!
I invite you to spend time with your horse that is beyond the agenda, that is deeper than what you need, that is stronger than being in control. I invite you to feel, touch and experience your horse in ways you may not have imagined. That is what Echoe has, and continues to bring to me. Today he told me he wanted to live a long time and I told him that I would do whatever he needed to ensure his wishes were honored.
Many blessings to all who have had the honor of being in the energy of our wise, strong, courageous, loving equine partners.