day as Maui and I stroll around Guestling Woods, we are seeing the results of heavy winds and rain over many days. I have been picking up the branches that want to be moved off the trail and asking how I can support those who have toppled.

These trees are a reflection for us as we also navigate the world around us. Yet we can get up and change what is in front of us. The trees are where they are. What lessons cam we learn from their infrastructure?
Trees have a communication system that reaches up into their top most branches and into the energetic world, and way down grounding their roots in to the Earth. Connecting all realms as one! This picture from the woods this morning show how connected the trees are. When one topples so do others. When one is strong so are the community around it!
We are in a time and space of learning from Nature, of embracing and nourishing ourselves and the world around us. We have choices, even when life throws challenges at you. We are remembering how important community is and attracting that which feels good to you in your heart center and your being.
We are in a time of listening, sensing and acting. Lets choose to come together, strong and supportive. Witness what happens when we open beyond our physical selves and invite the loving energy of Nature in.