Princess the cat, Noami the dog, and Autumn the horse all graced us with incredible messages during our “Developing Your Animal Communication Skills” class on February 1, 2025 at Vibe Yoga in Nashua NH. On arrival at the class each person was greeted by Maui, my Rhodesian Ridgeback, who successfully found one person who had treats in her coat pocket.
Orange and grey yoga bolster cushions were laid out in a circle for seating along with Maui’s fluffy dog bed placed also within our circle. In the center was a small low wooden tray table. This was our shrine which was decorated with crystals, feathers and the photos of the participant’s animal companions.
This was an exciting and fun gathering with a group of ladies who were eager to unlock their gifts. Through my own experiences, over two decades, and hundreds of animals, I shared the techniques I learned to reopen my ability to feel telepathic communication with animal companions. The many stories of those animals who have shown me how to flex the telepathic muscle, how to heal aspects of myself to become a clearer channel and the awakening moments of trusting that what is being received is real and accurate.
My Top 10 Tips created the framework sharing the key to being in the present with stillness and grounding, with examples of animal companions who have reminded me how to show up. Plus lessons learned from my teachers along the way including Nancy Windheart, Interspecies communicator and a mentor for over 10 years.
During a weekend Animal Communication gathering in Arizona, I was getting frustrated whenever we had a new exercise to communicate with the animals. During the shares I would be saddened by the lack of receiving that I was experiencing. Nancy helped me to find my own personal way to connect with the animals; “throw away the questions and just write!”.
The feeling of tapping into our innate abilities and remembering the ease by which we can connect to these furry, feathered, scaled friends, brings laughter, tears, and sometimes a little frustration, fear of judgment and needing to being right.
During our time together everyone had the opportunity to read one of the dogs/cats pictures brought to share. Each attendee received clear and sometimes profound messages for the recipient.
Here are a couple of text messages following the class.
“Thank you for all you do! Feeling so connected to my pups this morning“ – Melissa, Vibe Yoga
“The flow of the class was perfect” – Sarah, Wilmington MA
Are your animals looking at you eager to share ‘something’, this is the class for you. Get more information here with available class locations where you can register.
Join us ONLINE this Saturday, February 8th from 10-noon. Your $29 will register you for this event.