Monday Mantras

Join me weekly at 7am EST/noon GMT with a channeled message to guide and support your hour, day or
week…… sometimes we just need a simple reminder to reset our energy and align to our truth!!

Welcome to Monday Mantras, a heart centered alignment to your highest vibration.

Bringing synchronicity into each moment of your day

AND the awareness of the magic revealing itself before your eyes.

WHAT IS A MANTRA? A mantra is a word, or a phrase chanted repeatedly to invoke spiritual qualities. The Sanskrit root word ‘manas’ translates as mind, and ‘tra’ means instrument or tool. It is commonly translated to mean “an instrument or tool for the mind” or “that which when reflected upon, brings liberation.”  (

WHY ARE MANTRAS SO EFFECTIVE?  When our minds take over and our old stories, patterns or thought
processes become REALLY LOUD….. a mantra gives you the opportunity to take a moment….. breathe….And realign to the vibration of the words, supporting the shift in consciousness you require. The same mantra can be repeated as a reset for any experience, returning you to the vibrational energy of the mantra.

Find us weekly on YOUTUBE LIVE at  9pm GMT4pm EST

And if life takes you elsewhere you will always have access to the replays…….as often as you desire!


Dr Debra LeClair is a dear friend of many years and a business colleague. We have often weaved alongside each other as we bring our individual missions out to you.  You can find out more about her focus at

Finding Peace and Joy: The Power of Mantras



CHANT: Om Namah Shivaya (REPEAT up to 10 times)

WHAT DOES IT MEAN? It is a stress-buster, helping you to relax and unwind. A restless mind becomes stable and peaceful with regular chanting. Om Namah Shivaya helps you to gain control over your senses. This will help you govern your mind eventually. –
December 11 2023   Today’s Mantra: A new day, a new way.
December 18 2023  Today’s Mantra:  I am co-creating the life that I want, desire and deserve! This mantra was surrounded by the chant OM.

Today’s Mantra:
May I be guided in the highest of LIGHT
May I be filled in my heart with the highest of LOVE
May I be shown the way with the CLEAREST of vision
May my Soul ASCEND and ALIGN to my passion

January 1 2024

Today’s mantra:
I am awakening my bones of remembrance
I am empowering the wisdom of my DNA
I am connecting to the Ancestors through my bone medicine

January 8 2024   Today’s mantra:  Presence…. Breath…. Heart

January 15 2024  Today’s mantra: I Live In My Truth


January 22 2024 (Tiger medicine guidance came from

Today’s Mantra:
I welcome heart love, light and truth
I welcome heart love, light and truth into my being
I welcome heart love, light and truth into all aspects of my aura, energetic self and spiritual self
Breathe and feel/sense the frequency of these words
I AM heart love, light and truth
I AM heart love, light and truth
I AM heart love, light and truth
Breathe and stand in who you are!
January 29 2024  Today’s mantra: Let the love light within shine without
February 5 2024 Today’s mantra: I am Enlivened
February 12 2024 Today’s Mantra: The wonderment of Nature reflects the beauty within
Feburary 19, 2024 Today’s Mantra : I NOW co-create my life with ease