Reactivating your Soul’s Natural Connection
A 6 week journey of self discovery to reawaken your Innate Gifts
Animal Communication is so much more than a brief chat about the weather ! Although, if your dog doesn’t want to go out in the rain, then you will hear about it!!
The communication is based in the heart and transcends to the soul – this is where you are the most neutral and centered. From this space of BE-ing, your innate and natural abilities to receive are remembered and reactivated.
Your heart and Soul become nourished and enlivened knowing how expansive our telepathic skills really are. Awareness of your surroundings brings about the finest of detail – the worm slithering on the ground, the caterpillar munching on a leaf, or the flight of birds in the sky.
When we sit and create stillness around us, there is a hum, a vibration and an excitement that ensues.
Your heart opens to receiving and your body responds to the call.
Your dog looks at you with adorning eyes and you know there is a conversation being shared.
Your cat LOVES to lie on your body in the same spot every day…..why?
Your horse shows you how to be the best person you can be, and sometimes that means reflecting characteristics that are inhibiting you.
Do you love to connect with animals? Are you drawn to them and can feel them in your heart? Are they drawn to you, perhaps asking you for something? Do you love to sit under the trees, or by a stream and watch Nature’s beauty and her eco-system live life in harmony and balance?
During our time together we will learn about ourselves, as much as the ease of communication. As a two way conversation, your world expands, with so much opportunity to explore daily messages from all creatures of the earth.
Each week is a cumulative experiential reawakening as you journey into your own self. As you clear the way for opening your heart, so you clear the way to live a life filled with the variety of blending the lifestyle of our Natural Earth. Talking to the Animals becomes a daily experience and each interaction builds on the incredible connections, often at the most unexpected times.
Together we will:
- Explore your calling to connect with the animals
- Learn about telepathic resonance from a mini horse named Sunshine
- Practice sessions with animal visitors, through pictures and in Nature
- Tap into and experience the emotional connection with other Beings
- Clear your channel of giving and receiving telepathically
- Heal the aspects of you that re inhibiting easy flow of communication
- Experience the Unseen World, create sacred space and receive guidance
- Call in Allies to support your transformation and activate your natural abilities
- Interact through your heart and senses with Nature, Wildlife and Elementals
- Experience Life’s Co-creation through animal communication
WHEN: New dates coming soon
WHERE: Venue to be determined
RSVP: Michele Lowry – to reserve your spot!
FEE: £259 (for 6 weeks) -Payments received through or CASH at the door (Cash transactions must be supported with a RSVP email)
If you would like your dog to be a part of this workshop, or know of friends who would be willing to bring their dogs on the practice weeks, please invite them to contact me to ensure the dog’s comfort in the Hall, and schedule their time to attend. There will only be 2 dogs in the Hall at any one time.
Week 1
What is animal communication, what is telepathy, what is telepathic resonance (per Sunshine)
Guided Meditation to meet Sunshine and receive her personal message to you
Week 2
Focus on YOU becoming a clear channel to receive
Realigning chakras, clearing blocks and resetting aura energy
Which is your primary receiving sense? What is blocking you?
Meet Maui – my Rhodesian Ridgeback
Week 3
Lets chat with our Loving and Supporting Allies – Power Animals and Guides
Receiving messages through your heart and quieting the activity of the mind
Who are your Allies in the Unseen World
Week 4
Connecting to Nature, Wildlife and our own animal companions (we will be outside)
Exploring Nature’s medicine and receiving messages
Which animals scare you, what are they wanting to share with you?
Week 5
Two way conversations – Meet and Greet Animal Guests
Open your heart and listen, feel, hear, sense, know, their reply!
Week 6
Shining your light as you walk softly on our Planet of vast and unprecedented change
Watch the magic unfold – “We are one Consciousness!”
Our time together will encompass many aspects of animal communication and create space for you to explore. And with each weekly session, you will receive exercises to give you time to practice. This time will empower you to enhance your interaction with all Beings that come in to your life – even those who are now in Spirit!
Telepathic Resonance Part 1 – What is Animal Communication ?
Telepathic Resonance Part 2 – What is Animal Communication ?
Michele Lowry is an Animal Intuitive and Soul Expansion Facilitator. She has been communicating with animals since childhood, those animals in her care being her greatest advocates and mentors. From trauma, to senior life, transition and Spiritual connection, Michele guides and facilitates communication as seen through the eyes of the animals. Profound and astounding shifts are created for the whole family.
Since her awakening and transformation which began in 2001 she has focused on creating a life blended with ALL Beings, seen and unseen.
This way of life has expanded her abilities to bring an enlightened, holistic approach and clarity to people and their own animal companions. Her commitment to direct study, from 2005-2018, encompassing Reiki (Master/Teacher,) Shamanic practices and being certified as an Earth Magic Practitioner, brings a multi-dimensional view of all aspects of life. This perspective guides how to bring balance for emotional, spiritual, behavioral, nutritional aspects of your animal’s life and yours too.
The desire to show people we are all innate, unique and wise beings, has included many channeled workshops and gatherings to support your journey to clear, cleanse and reset. Through shamanic practices, and connection to Nature elementals, our Soul naturally embraces the beauty of living life fully from the heart.