Animal Alliance – February 2024

When Widget chose to guide Wendy’s Reiki session, an exciting and profound experience unfolded.  Our beloved animals are always offering us their teachings, and they love it when we hear their insight.  This insight brings Expansive and Heart Nourishing enlightenment for their Soul and Yours.

On February 18, a friend asked for a reiki session. As it was a relatively new experience we decided to do the session in the barn and with her horse by her side. The blend of energy being shared this way brings a new level of healing.  Here’s how: Widget began the session very clearly receiving, with the responses of licking, chewing and closing his eyes. The difference being that all the while my hands are on Wendy who was sitting right next to him!  As the session unfolded I moved from her upper body, neck and shoulders, to her hips and knees. Widget became unsettled and we invited him to become more involved. He was purposefully distracting the session making it very clear he wanted to guide what was happening for Wendy.

So I took a breath and listened to this wise Master. He told me to remain in the area of her cervical spine!  So I listened and as a thank you, another friend gave Widget hay to munch on for the rest of the session. This was also helpful because he would completely stop eating hay when he was guiding or wanting to be involved.   It became very clear that the cervical spine was where Wendy’s energy was blocked.  From Widget’s guidance until this block was released it was pointless focusing anywhere else.  We are taught that reiki goes where it is needed and yet in this case the focus still had to be on her cervical spine for the full healing to happen.

It had been about an hour.  My guides then shared it was time to complete the session and allow Wendy’s body to process. During the session Wendy had experienced energy/discomfort/warmth flowing from her cervical spine, down her arms, clearing an area in her wrist and down both sides of her body.

Widget had beautifully guided this transformational experience for all of us.  The beauty of energy work is to always be the channel without agenda.  I am committed to being a perpetual student of animal guidance, and this was a new and extraordinary experience.

UPDATE: The following day Wendy felt different, looser in her shoulders and experiencing her body in a positive way. The cellular memory is being shifted to release emotional and physical trauma and thanks to her horse, they both received exactly what each of them needed!  Wendy and Widget continue to receive regular sessions, always guided by this amazing and communicative horse.


SIDE NOTE: In reiki training we are taught to ALWAYS be the channel, a clear conduit for energy to come through you to the recipient. This is key to the energy being from the highest and purest Source and not tainted by a person using their own energy to heal others!  The animals know this high frequency energy well and will always keep you true to a pure channeled experience.

The animals are consistently the most amazing teachers as we walk together on Earth, and receive guidance from beyond. Our invitation is to open our hearts and receive this unconditional and loving energy that we may shine our light and know who we truly are.  This opens up the opportunities to live in our Souls desire to learn and fulfill its own reasons for being here on Earth.

YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SCHEDULE A SESSION and receive a 10% discount until June 30th (as this is my birthday month): 

WHY: Feel the unprecedented heart connection with a reiki session guided by your animal companion(s)

WHAT: Bring healing to you both through their wisdom and vision

WHERE: A One Hour Experience either in person or remotely (includes animals in Spirit).

Contact me at to schedule your appointment

Photos Courtesy of Janine Pierce