Nature’s Oracle Deck – Trees

Walking at the Audobon Society in Dover is a vibrant and wonderful walk along the water, surrounded by the woods. Here I was blessed with signs and aspects of Nature that caught my eye as I walked with Maui. What do you see in the tree trunk? In this very moment as...

Nature’s Oracle Deck – The Fox

On our morning walk yesterday, Maui and I came across this wonderful fox who was trotting in our direction, until he saw Maui!! He scooted back into the yard he was traveling from and stood eye to eye as we exchanged connection. It was an unexpected gift from Nature...

PIG speak with Gilbert

In January 2022 while staying at a HipCamp site in Ruskin Florida, I met Gilbert.  He lives on the farm and I fell in love with him.  Each day when I took Shekinah for a walk around the farm, I would always visit with him, feed him my leftover food and he loved belly...