by Michele Lowry | Nov 25, 2014 | Intuitive Telepathy
When I first met Rosie (originally known as Ol’ Lady) at the shelter, I had been asked to do Reiki with her and find out what she may need to bring her to a place of improved health. Rosie was a 15-17 year old stray, black and white cat. At first she was unsure of me....
by Michele Lowry | Sep 25, 2014 | Intuitive Telepathy
When Healing is about finding your peace – in honor of Jasmine the cat, who passed on September 17, 2014 I recently learned another meaning of the word healing. To heal. Could it be that perhaps healing does not correlate to the physical body returning to...
by Michele Lowry | Jan 20, 2014 | Intuitive Telepathy
Skylar, Raven and Arizona – an amazing transformation and new beginning for three special dogs When I first met the Huskies, in July 2013, they were in separate kennels, each one huddled in a corner as far from the door as possible. They were confused, fearful,...
by Michele Lowry | Apr 2, 2012 | Intuitive Telepathy
Two weeks ago (April 2012) I was invited to work with a mare and her owner. They were looking for some clarification in moving forward, letting go of the past and reconnecting in the saddle. When I arrived there was another friend of the owner there and she stayed for...
by Michele Lowry | Dec 13, 2011 | Intuitive Telepathy
Reiki is definitely an experience to be seen as each person or animal will respond differently. My work focuses on animals (horses, dogs, cats) and I wish I had a camera to show you the visual amazement and verbal expressions that the owners share as they watch their...