An amazing story of three huskies

Skylar, Raven and Arizona – an amazing transformation and new beginning for three special dogs When I first met the Huskies, in July 2013, they were in separate kennels, each one huddled in a corner as far from the door as possible.  They were confused, fearful,...

Staying open to the possibilities

Two weeks ago (April 2012) I was invited to work with a mare and her owner. They were looking for some clarification in moving forward, letting go of the past and reconnecting in the saddle. When I arrived there was another friend of the owner there and she stayed for...

The Passion and Life Experiences of Reiki

Reiki is definitely an experience to be seen as each person or animal will respond differently. My work focuses on animals (horses, dogs, cats) and I wish I had a camera to show you the visual amazement and verbal expressions that the owners share as they watch their...