Junie the Now Cow

Welcome to September 3rd, 2022 and a morning where unexpected telepathic communication was shared with Junie As I sat quietly in the barn with Sunshine while she was munching on her morning hay, I heard “When cows were not cows”.  This was often how telepathic...

Telepathic Resonance – Part 2

PART TWO: What is Animal Communication? Welcome back to Part Two!  Each morning once all the horses are fed and out to pasture, I bring my focus and attention to my miniature horse, named Sunshine.  She has been an incredible guide to opening my heart and living in...

Telepathic Resonance – Part 1

PART ONE: What is Animal Communication? I have been questioning this description to explain or label the connection between species and realms for many years.   It always seemed to be easily understood by clients, yet somehow too limiting in the depth of what happens...