The Simplicity of Animal Communication

Princess the cat, Noami the dog, and Autumn the horse all graced us with incredible messages during our “Developing Your Animal Communication Skills” class on February 1, 2025 at Vibe Yoga in Nashua NH.   On arrival at the class each person was greeted by Maui, my...

FAQ : Wondering How This Works

A lady recently reached out to me asking questions about animal communication as this concept is new to her.  She had some great questions that had me thinking about all the possibilities that connecting to the wisdom of your animals can bring. From JG:...

Mouse Who Chose Life!

Last week during volunteer Animal Communication and Reiki Time at NHSPCA the most unexpected animal was brought in to the shelter. This mouse was found outside, almost dead by a good citizen. This was a feeder mouse (bred to be fed to snakes). It had a bloated belly...