Channeled and Guided Writings from the Seen and Unseen Dimensions
These writings have been flowing through Michele for over 20 years and her love of the messages is now being shared more prominently. We welcome you to return as the blogs are updated often.
Conscious Living……….Echoe’s Words of Wisdom………..Intuitive Telepathy…….Grieving…….. Sunshine’s Profound Wisdom…..Candid Conversations
~ Conscious Living ~
When Ancient Drumming weaves with Equine Wisdom
The sound of the drum creates a resonance and vibration that is felt deep in to our core. It awakens the inner wisdom and innate knowing that we all have. The beat of a drum during Shamanic Journeying opens space for us to experience wisdom from other realms and...
Welcome to 2023 !
We welcome you, to this year of Creativity and Chosen Change. Your Creativity and your Choices for Change. I begin each day with a chant to the Morning Sun, I learned this from Sandra Ingerman As I chant this song I welcome guidance, a mantra or word for the day. The...
Voice For Animals – 2022 Newsletter
Voice for Animals Each year Executive Director, Caryl Edwards publishers her newsletter for the non profit Voice for Animals who are based in ME. Their animals remain with foster homes around the area until they are adopted. Caryl and I met many years ago at an event...
Heartfelt Testimonial and Honor from my Brother
After watching the 12 days of Sunshine, my brother, one of my greatest Advocates, posted this response on LinkedIn: "So proud of you my amazing and talented sister. Changing and improving other people’s lives for over 25 years and a source of inspiration and love to...
And We Are On Our Way South, Unplanned, Unexpected and Living in the Mystery
Life is an amazing tool for learning about you! Being open to experiencing the unexpected and witnessing the unplanned become planned, sometimes, in the blink of an eye. Usually around Fall I am looking to the Winter months and creating a trip to explore the more...
A Cat’s Dislike of Spiritual Energies Creates a New Path of Transformation
We are excited to share that Nikoe Natural Therapies have been International since 2020. Supporting people and their animals in England. A huge shout out to Graeme Godfrey (my dear brother and sharer of my work for referring me whenever his...
Wood Yah Believe – meet Gandolf
In 2018 while wandering around Fryeburg Fair with friends we came across a carving demo with Tim Pickett. Using chainsaws he was creating the most amazing sculptures! As we looked at what he had on display I saw a bald eagle that stood almost as tall as me! It drew...
Messages From Beyond
A text conversation with my dear friend Lynne who received a download which we were compelled to share. Lynne: I was going to share with you that this message came at the same place on rt 27, exactly where I have received other power messages that I’ve shared with you...
The Evolution, Your Evolution, Our Evolution of Humanity on Earth
Are you ready for the wonders of life itself to re-emerge and show you its vastness and vibrancy that will shift and uplift this incredible Planet? Mother Earth and all her Beings, seen and unseen are ready to bring an awareness of life that the indigenous...
~ Echoe’s Words of Wisdom ~
All Will Be Revealed and Unveiled Now! ~ Oct 7, 2014
It's time to clear the path and be witness to the new! Be present in your life, your actions and your words as all have deep meaning to yourself and others. In Atlantis we found harmony and peace and we could breathe in the wonders of all that was around us. We can do...
Rise above it! ~ Echoe’s Words of Wisdom, Oct. 4, 2014
Look at all the reasons we come up with as to why we don't do the one or two things we really want to do. Who is stopping you? YOU! Look at those simple things in life that create flow and happiness and just do it! The universe will always expand time to allow for...
Replace Expectation with Wonderment – Echoe’s words of wisdom
My morning routine begins with offering hay to Echoe and Tango, I clean up their paddocks, place hay and water in their daytime paddock, hand them breakfast and walk with them to their daytime paddock. Echoe brings himself to the paddock, Tango and I walk together. ...
Echoe giving guidance……
Another amazing communication between Echoe and a friend of mine today. As I was typing an email to her while in the barn, he energetically tapped in and provided a reading for her, it was sent with such incredible love. Her email back said she was responding to the...
Healing Guidance from Echoe
Echoe often shares information with me, guidance and inspiration. A few days ago we were ready to go riding and he kept nosing Chey's (his paddock wife) belly, he wouldn't let it go. So I began to do Reiki on her digestion acupressure point and her lower back, she was...
~ Grieving ~
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~ Intuitive Telepathy ~
Does Mind, Body and Soul consist of 3 equal parts?
When I first met Rosie (originally known as Ol’ Lady) at the shelter, I had been asked to do Reiki with her and find out what she may need to bring her to a place of improved health. Rosie was a 15-17 year old stray, black and white cat. At first she was unsure of me....
When Healing is about finding your peace
When Healing is about finding your peace - in honor of Jasmine the cat, who passed on September 17, 2014 I recently learned another meaning of the word healing. To heal. Could it be that perhaps healing does not correlate to the physical body returning to improved...
An amazing story of three huskies
Skylar, Raven and Arizona – an amazing transformation and new beginning for three special dogs When I first met the Huskies, in July 2013, they were in separate kennels, each one huddled in a corner as far from the door as possible. They were confused, fearful,...
Staying open to the possibilities
Two weeks ago (April 2012) I was invited to work with a mare and her owner. They were looking for some clarification in moving forward, letting go of the past and reconnecting in the saddle. When I arrived there was another friend of the owner there and she stayed for...
The Passion and Life Experiences of Reiki
Reiki is definitely an experience to be seen as each person or animal will respond differently. My work focuses on animals (horses, dogs, cats) and I wish I had a camera to show you the visual amazement and verbal expressions that the owners share as they watch their...
~ Profound Wisdom from a miniature horse named Sunshine ~
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~ Candid and heartfelt conversations embracing our relationship with our animals ~
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