Channeled and Guided Writings from the Seen and Unseen Dimensions
These writings have been flowing through Michele for over 20 years and her love of the messages is now being shared more prominently. We welcome you to return as the blogs are updated often.
Conscious Living……….Echoe’s Words of Wisdom………..Intuitive Telepathy…….Grieving…….. Sunshine’s Profound Wisdom…..Candid Conversations
~ Conscious Living ~
Revealing ‘ The Secret’ helps to Unveil and Heal
How Shelter Animals are Teaching us to have Open Communication with them. We all have our secrets; some we hold on tightly and others we may share in the right situation and at the right time. When we realize it’s time to release the burden, it’s because we feel...
We ARE all ONE
Today as Maui and I stroll around Guestling Woods, we are seeing the results of heavy winds and rain over many days. I have been picking up the branches that want to be moved off the trail and asking how I can support those who have toppled. These trees are a...
The innate intelligence of your animal companions
Animal behavior and the connection to nutrition has been a focus for over 22 years. Witnessing how an animals behavior can change when food or supplements and even medication has a side effect that the mind and body can't handle has been a learning curve. More...
Exploring East Sussex After 2023 Relocation Home
Pett Level Beach, The Fire Hills & Winchelsea Beach Pett Level Beach This incredible beach has become a favorite for Maui and I. The cliffs are stunning and when the tide is out...
Symbiotic Relationship with the Standing Ones
Trees have attracted my attention for many years. From their sheer size and beauty, especially the Redwoods in California, to learning how to interact on a heart based connection. I have been shown by them how to create natural shrines at their base, sit and drum or...
New Beginnings – Transition into the Unseen World
In Loving Memory of my Dad, Brian Wolfe Godfrey (Aug 28 1934-Nov 17 2023) We often think of new beginnings as an opportunity to live life differently, for exciting opportunities to unfold, or to realize the dream you have been manifesting. New beginnings can also be a...
Hank the Draft Horse Inspires Our Last Drum Circle
2023 – Another Inspirational Year of Equine Guidance blended into our Monthly Drum Circles September 2023 completed our 3rd year of monthly drum circles. These monthly gatherings encompassed the wisdom of the horses who live here on the farm. When we give space to...
“Sometimes the greatest wisdom comes from the smallest creature. “
My motto for this year is it feels like I wake up on Monday and go to bed on Friday! The days seem to fly by. What I have learned is if I slow down my pace, my breathing, and take a look around me, I am reminded that I can choose to be in the fast paced world we have...
Divinely Choreographed Guidance
How many times have we wanted something so badly that we begin to push, shove, grab and make ‘it’ work? For me this method has been focused on a landing place for my tribe. You know me well as the free-spirited traveling gypsy who disappears each winter searching for...
~ Echoe’s Words of Wisdom ~
The Turning Point!
The vast opportunities that are being presented to us at this time do not come often on this earthly plane. The Wisdom Keepers are stepping forward in large masses to support you as you open your eyes to a world unlike any other you have known. These Wisdom Keepers...
Evolution ~ Echoe’s Words of Wisdom
Today is a powerful day filled with light and opportunity. Be sure to elevate into this energy and step forward into those possibilities. Evolution is happening. You can choose to go with this energy of vast change or remain dense in your current/previous ways. When...
The Winds of Change ~ Echoe’s Words of Wisdom
As the astrological shifts continue to create vast energetic change, don’t be surprised if you feel old patterns emerging and showing up unexpectedly. What a gift to work with this energy and face these patterns head on, and to create space to open to the opportunity...
Be Purposeful! ~ Echoe’s Words of Wisdom
Be Purposeful! To think is to deny your intuitive guidance. To think is to distract from that which you are aligned to do. To think is to delay the synchronicity of events. To wait just one second changes the outcome. To decide to take action means you don’t trust on...
The Floodgates are Open ~ Echoes Words of Wisdom
The floodgates have opened! Prepare to go deep and clear your mind. The floodgates to your heart have waited patiently for you to be ready to open them. No one ever thinks they are capable of expressing and feeling pure love. Everyone has and at some point in life...
Self-Respect vs. Boundaries ~ Echoe’s Words of Wisdom
When you honor yourself, who you are, what you believe in and how you show up in the world, you send a clear message of self respect. When you fully respect yourself with no diversity, no waivering, others will feel it and honor it. When you give yourself away for...
Look Internally for Resolution ~ Echoes Words of Wisdom
As humans you are taught by parents, society, and other sources to go beyond yourself for the answers to perceived problems that have transpired in your life experience. You reach outward to those you feel are better qualified to provide you with answers. You learn...
Perseverance ~ Echoe’s Words of Wisdom
Everything is coming at you, whether it is expected or more likely unexpected. Why, when you have worked so hard to re-balance and clear. You have diligently faced your challenges and now you can experience the beauty in all that lies in front of you. Life moves along...
Transference ~ Echoe’s Words of Wisdom
A year of vast change! This is a year of transference, of recreation of self, of eradicating any past issues that block you or hold you back. It is a time of great manifest. This transference has happened in the past – our earth is cyclical in its heartbeat and how it...
~ Grieving ~
Palliative Care and Support for Animal Transitions
"You Spoke. . .I listened. . .Now I Understand" - a Testimonial My grandpa had a farm and I would live for the weekends to go out and hang with the horses. I loved everything about them. The smell of the farm just made me melt. I rode horses for most of my life. ...
Dasher’s Legacy Through Creative Artwork
We each process and open our hearts to Grieving in so many different ways. We step into it at our own pace, yet it is also important to seek support along the way. In the past 20 years of experiencing grief and more profoundly the loss of an animal companion each...
Grieving Pet Loss ~Healing your Heart
"Hindsight is 20/20" ~ A Testimonial Following the transition of her heart horse Sunrise, I sent Danika a copy of ‘Hindsight is 20/20’ in the hope that it would provide support, understanding and insight. She read it in one sitting 🙂 Danika shared such a beautiful...
A Conscious Journey – A complete life reset in 30 days
June 13th, 2021 "Being in the mystery of life is the opportunity to walk in Divine harmony with the guidance and alignment allowing your experiences to unfold." ~ Michele Lowry In June of 2021 I became unsettled, vulnerable, lost and emotionally empty after the loss...
Grieving with Dignity (Part 1) – Animal Transition and After Life
When my loyal and loving companion, Dasher, transitioned in December 2020, I had no idea how this physical loss would affect me. As I write this I realize that this amazing dog changed my life from the day we met in 2007. His transition and subsequently not having...
Grieving with Dignity (Part 2) – The Ash Ceremony
Dasher and I had multiple conversations about where he would like his ashes spread, there were so many places we had traveled. He wanted to be in Franconia NH, the town where our lives together had begun in July 2008. He showed me Artists Bluff, a hike we did often...
~ Intuitive Telepathy ~
Honoring the Reflection of Your Animal Companions
Maui and I chose each other almost immediately. From the first time the puppy pictures were shared by email, I knew Mr Blue was THE ONE! He was one of 10 and his breeder was one who I became incredibly honored to know. I watched and visited many times as this...
The Simplicity of Animal Communication
Princess the cat, Noami the dog, and Autumn the horse all graced us with incredible messages during our “Developing Your Animal Communication Skills” class on February 1, 2025 at Vibe Yoga in Nashua NH. On arrival at the class each person was greeted by Maui, my...
Winston the horse creates tears of joy!
Pam and her horse Winston (one year anniversary) - December 2024 What a beautiful reading I had to stop because my eyes filled so much I couldn’t keep reading. I can’t tell you how much I love this boy and to know he sees me as the one he can reveal himself to is the...
Horse Guides His Person’s Reiki Session
Animal Alliance - February 2024 When Widget chose to guide Wendy's Reiki session, an exciting and profound experience unfolded. Our beloved animals are always offering us their teachings,...
FAQ : Wondering How This Works
A lady recently reached out to me asking questions about animal communication as this concept is new to her. She had some great questions that had me thinking about all the possibilities that connecting to the wisdom of your animals can bring. From JG: "Wondering how...
Mouse Who Chose Life!
Last week during volunteer Animal Communication and Reiki Time at NHSPCA the most unexpected animal was brought in to the shelter. This mouse was found outside, almost dead by a good citizen. This was a feeder mouse (bred to be fed to snakes). It had a bloated belly...
PIG speak with Gilbert
In January 2022 while staying at a HipCamp site in Ruskin Florida, I met Gilbert. He lives on the farm and I fell in love with him. Each day when I took Shekinah for a walk around the farm, I would always visit with him, feed him my leftover food and he loved belly...
Awakening the Wisdom Within – Unlocking my True Self
TESTIMONIAL "I have had the honor of knowing Michèle for sixteen years now: we first met when a friend suggested she work on my horse Kaia when I was just a teenager. I came in as a skeptic but had no choice but to believe when faced with the concrete improvements in...
February’s Month of LOVE Offerings
FREE AND LIVE - Meditation with YOUR Animal Companions – the Valentine Gift that keeps Giving! Saturday February 18th at 10am – YOUTUBE - Guided by Animals Here at Nikoe Natural Therapies we are honoring heart opening love more than ever before. Our animals are...
~ Profound Wisdom from a miniature horse named Sunshine ~
Spacious Sky
Sunshine is reminding us to honor Natural World we share our lives with. Remembering how to be in balance even though our Earth and Sky are being sabotaged!! 2nd February 2024 Our lives are precious Our bodies alive How do we negate The not so healthy skies? Fully...
Sunshine’s Heartfelt Poetry
The blessings of love and light As love ignites And the mighty fall The light shines in To elevate us all Be mindful of choices Language too And notice the gifts That come flooding to you November 2023
Full Moon Poem by Sunshine ~ June 27, 2018
Our world continues to go round and round We choose and ponder of all that is abound Bring heaven and earth together once more And honor this moon with love and adore All of her beauty, her energy and voice Be sure to tap in to be guided in choice Of all that you do...
~ Candid and heartfelt conversations embracing our relationship with our animals ~
Interview with Scott Stone
Organic conversation with a shared love of animals was the experience of chatting with Scott Stone of TruthStream on Scott was introduced to me by a dear friend and business colleague Lisa Schermerhorn. Our focus was our animal companions, and the multi...
Is Animal Communication a Thing? – Video
From April 22 2023 ECTA 28th annual tack sale Topsfield Fairgrounds Topsfield MA Is it a gift? YES to each and every one of us. How do animals communicate? Through feel, touch, sight, sound, knowing.....from your heart to theirs and their heart to yours. When we enter...
Passionate About Pets – Podcast
Passionate About People - PODCAST - February 2022 In this episode Graeme and Phil speak with Holistic Healthcare Specialist for Animals - Michele Lowry. They discuss the deep psychic bond that animals can have with humans and explore the extraordinary work that...
In this Interview, hosted by Susan Baker of Nutressante, the focus was about Michele Lowry's vision and passion in supporting people with their animals from a different viewpoint - the animal's. As our guides, teachers and mirrors they bring a lot more to our lives....
Much gratitude to All Business Media FM Radio Talk Show for inviting me to do a phone interview about Nikoe Natural Therapies and Animal Communication. Listen here to learn more about our animal's perspective on life. .