Lady, the dog and Prozac

September 2022 This is a testimonial from Lady’s caregiver after we had consulted several times to find balance in Lady’s fears and behaviour issues that created stress whenever exploring the outside world. Lady is a 3 1/2 year old pitbull who was born in...

Junie the Now Cow

Welcome to September 3rd, 2022 and a morning where unexpected telepathic communication was shared with Junie As I sat quietly in the barn with Sunshine while she was munching on her morning hay, I heard “When cows were not cows”.  This was often how telepathic...

The Pig who Leapt into my Heart

Pickles is a rescue and now living at Turtle Pants Farm in Pittsboro NC.  I had the honor of meeting Pickles and the other animals on this farm during my recent travels. Amy (a dear friend and fellow animal advocate) had recently visited the farm and was interested in...