by Michele Lowry | Apr 26, 2023 | Nature's Oracle Deck
On our morning walk yesterday, Maui and I came across this wonderful fox who was trotting in our direction, until he saw Maui!! He scooted back into the yard he was traveling from and stood eye to eye as we exchanged connection. It was an unexpected gift from Nature...
by Michele Lowry | Mar 17, 2023 | Conscious Living
A huge thank you to the Seacoast Women’s Network for the opportunity to be their Speaker this month. The topic was: Mentorship and Self Growth Through Animal Communication – it really is a thing! The women in attendance were heart felt, intuitive business...
by Michele Lowry | Feb 28, 2023 | Intuitive Telepathy, Nature's Oracle Deck
In January 2022 while staying at a HipCamp site in Ruskin Florida, I met Gilbert. He lives on the farm and I fell in love with him. Each day when I took Shekinah for a walk around the farm, I would always visit with him, feed him my leftover food and he loved belly...
by Michele Lowry | Feb 11, 2023 | Conscious Living
The Magic Carpet Ride is a co-creation of love, belief, and joy that weaves together the most unexplained, yet profound and inspirational alignments and experiences. When Lynne and I began this conversation on text messaging we had no idea how wondrous it would show...
by Michele Lowry | Feb 11, 2023 | Grieving
We each process and open our hearts to Grieving in so many different ways. We step into it at our own pace, yet it is also important to seek support along the way. In the past 20 years of experiencing grief and more profoundly the loss of an animal companion each...