by Michele Lowry | Jun 13, 2023 | Conscious Living
Voice For Animals 2021 We love our animals deeply, and give unconditionally, and we know their life on this planet is shorter than ours. Here is a child’s perspective after his senior, sick dog was comfortably euthanized in his own home, “People are born so that they...
by Michele Lowry | Jun 13, 2023 | Conscious Living
Voice For Animals – 2015 I remember so clearly the first time I heard a horse communicate with me. It was as if a person was talking in my ear except that the only beings present at the time were horses!! I was working in a barn in 1996 and had finished feeding...
by Michele Lowry | May 3, 2023 | Conscious Living, Intuitive Telepathy
Last week during volunteer Animal Communication and Reiki Time at NHSPCA the most unexpected animal was brought in to the shelter. This mouse was found outside, almost dead by a good citizen. This was a feeder mouse (bred to be fed to snakes). It had a bloated belly...
by Michele Lowry | Apr 26, 2023 | Videos & Interviews
From April 22 2023 ECTA 28th annual tack sale Topsfield Fairgrounds Topsfield MA Is it a gift? YES to each and every one of us. How do animals communicate? Through feel, touch, sight, sound, knowing…..from your heart to theirs and their heart to yours. When we...
by Michele Lowry | Apr 26, 2023 | Nature's Oracle Deck
Walking at the Audobon Society in Dover is a vibrant and wonderful walk along the water, surrounded by the woods. Here I was blessed with signs and aspects of Nature that caught my eye as I walked with Maui. What do you see in the tree trunk? In this very moment as...