by Michele Lowry | Nov 25, 2014 | Intuitive Telepathy
When I first met Rosie (originally known as Ol’ Lady) at the shelter, I had been asked to do Reiki with her and find out what she may need to bring her to a place of improved health. Rosie was a 15-17 year old stray, black and white cat. At first she was unsure of me....
by Michele Lowry | Oct 10, 2014 | Echoe's Words of Wisdom
It’s time to clear the path and be witness to the new! Be present in your life, your actions and your words as all have deep meaning to yourself and others. In Atlantis we found harmony and peace and we could breathe in the wonders of all that was around us. We...
by Michele Lowry | Oct 4, 2014 | Echoe's Words of Wisdom
Look at all the reasons we come up with as to why we don’t do the one or two things we really want to do. Who is stopping you? YOU! Look at those simple things in life that create flow and happiness and just do it! The universe will always expand time to allow...
by Michele Lowry | Sep 25, 2014 | Intuitive Telepathy
When Healing is about finding your peace – in honor of Jasmine the cat, who passed on September 17, 2014 I recently learned another meaning of the word healing. To heal. Could it be that perhaps healing does not correlate to the physical body returning to...
by Michele Lowry | Mar 25, 2014 | Conscious Living
March 25, 2014 I’m a strong believer in trusting your gut instinct, your intuition. In trusting those thoughts, feelings, visions that come randomly and sometimes don’t appear to make any sense. I believe in acting upon them regardless as I trust that the Universe,...