Hi! and Welcome, My name is Michele Lowry and beside me is Sunshine. My Soul Purpose is as an Animal Intuitive and Soul Expansion Facilitator
“Most people change in increments. You change in Universes!” SBA Advisor of 15 years, after a meeting in 2021.
How life unfolded………
Standing in the veterinary office, having asked two vet techs to help carry Kobo in from the car, I was faced with a daunting choice. After months of misdiagnosis and veterinarians at a loss for Kobo’s ill health, my 7 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback had been finally diagnosed with kidney failure and lupus. I felt at a complete loss, my heart sank and now I was facing a horrific decision with no one to reach out to.
Not one veterinarian had any idea what was wrong with him, but he was fading fast. I was trying so hard to make sense of this sudden and terrifying situation. He did have a lyme vaccine just weeks earlier but no one was linking his symptoms to the vaccine. And to add more distress and concern, now I was being told his platelet count was zero and to treat him like a china doll because any slight knock to his body would cause a bleed out.
I felt a huge panic, I didn’t know what questions to ask and how to navigate such a desperate situation to make the best possible choices for Kobo. These veterinarians I had trusted were discarding me, moving me on to an emergency clinic in Boston MA, because they didn’t know what to do. In the 6 weeks from the initial vaccine, my heart dog, my first ever dog, was fading from a vibrant, majestic, loved by everyone companion, to a weak being, whose body was consuming his own muscle just to stay alive. It was beyond devastating, and a feeling of helplessness was flowing deep in to my core. What to do?
I had heard of a Dr Marty Goldstein, who had worked miracles on very sick dogs. He was in New York and I was in New Hampshire. My intuition begged me to find my strength and take Kobo to see him. Yet, my drive, determination and ability to see beyond the veil was weak and virtually non-existent. The voice of advocacy and standing up for my blessed hound was being expressed as a quiet and pitiful whisper.
And yet, with each passing day, this incredible dog was beginning to relight my fire and activate my god given strength to SPEAK UP. Here we are 6 weeks after the initial vaccination and I have a choice for Kobo. I can give him a blood transfusion, or I can say goodbye. I looked into my dog’s eyes and he was not there. His extrovert personality and love for life had diminished, his light was fading. What was the point of a blood transfusion, I knew deep inside that it would not bring him back. I chose to say goodbye that day, and he was so weak, it took but a moment for him to let go.
The grief I experienced was such a wrench on my heart, and a void in my life that the act of leaving my husband just months earlier hadn’t created. I wept every day, not quite knowing how to continue into a life that unbeknownst to me in my distress, was unfolding into something so powerful and mission driven. And yet I wasn’t even aware of it.
The other dog who shared my life was Nira, he was Kobo’s son, the two of them had lived together for 5 years prior to this tragedy unfolding. Nira and I began day by day to rebuild a new way of life, both feeling the void and lack of safety. This was the immense love that Kobo’s presence shared with us.
Two weeks after Kobo’s untimely death, Nira became very sick, had a seizure, and was exhibiting some dire symptoms that immediately plummeted me into the fear of losing him too. I panicked, yet chose not to go to the veterinarian this time. I decided to delve deeper into what was going on, and began to find a fire within me that drove me to begin the research. Something was very wrong and I needed to know more. As I walked into Barnes and Noble one day, a book caught my eye; it was on special at the entrance to the book store. “Dr Pitcairns Book on Cats and Dogs”. This was my first experience of synchronicity, yet I was truly in the very beginning of my awakening.
The book began to unravel the mysteries of Kobo’s death, and Nira’s sickness. As I read more, and began to apply what I was reading to improve Nira’s lifestyle, his health and wellness, I witnessed before my eyes, how this dog transformed in a very short period of time. His vibrancy, coat quality, teeth, energy levels, and his aggressive tendencies, all began to fade. Now I was hungry to explore more, and with this hunger, the teachers showed up, and my desire to learn was well fed. It was 2 years later that I was introduced to a holistic veterinarian in New Hampshire and my mission was further enhanced as I learned about alternative methods for healthcare for my animals. It was only then that our conversation covered vaccinations and confirmed the lyme vaccine had caused the horrific demise, and death of my stunning, powerhouse of a companion. Each step was leading me on a path of discovery, my own awakening, and the strong desire to begin sharing with others.
Through continued studies, research and more amazing teachers coming in to my life, I learned about what ingredients are used in dried dog food, the overload of chemicals, preservatives and toxins that our animal’s bodies endure. Over time this is one of the aspects that create the many diseases we see, and the lower life expectancy more than ever before. Nira was my ‘test case’, bringing him the very best food, removing all toxins from his life, and mine, and began to learn about Reiki and other natural healing modalities.
And yet, with all of these profound happenings, I often questioned my abilities to open up and share. I found excuses to stay quiet and avoided truly advocating and creating the change I knew in my heart was very real. With my own self-esteem and confidence in need of repair and the personal healing work still holding me back, it took another grand shift in life to show me the way.
While living in Florida (2001-2003), my horse Echoe, (a phenomenal mentor and guide who shaped my life to see my true self), became very sick. His diagnosis was potentially dire, and even the best veterinarian in the area was at a loss. I spent hours in tears wondering how to help this magnificent being find his health again. Even though my spiritual self was beginning to emerge and the essence within was returning, I just didn’t have it in me to seek out the answers, and yet something had to change.
Echoe taught me about synchronicity, energetic alignment and healing, when the Universe brought the most genuine, passionate Dr of Naturopathic medicine into my world. Found through an online advert when I was looking for a rental, we connected and my life changed into a transformational path that continues to weave magic today. Her online advert had actually been canceled prior to me finding it, and yet we found each other. She worked her own magic and healed my horse. We moved on to her farm and I began to study and mentor with her. I had been given the gift of a lifetime and I was ready to embrace it fully. The Universe had brought the opportunity to put in to action all I had been learning from a book and classes, to create a reality that fed my hunger and filled my heart.
My studies with Dr Julie covered many areas of Natural Medicine; How to use essential oils, flower essences, crystals and color vibration with the animals on the farm, and emergency clients who would show up unexpectedly. We learned how the animals would choose by wanting to smell, or taste what was being presented to them. They would relax, yawn, stretch and soften their eyes when acupressure points were activated or deactivated. We witnessed the body and emotions coming into balance through the releases. I traveled with Dr Julie to her animal clients so I could practice all I was learning and become more proficient. She was an amazing support and guide, always excited to watch me find the answers with the help of my intuition and the guidance of the animals.
Reiki came to me through a friend and in 2005 I began to study this eye opening and healing modality. Over 3 dedicated years, I learned how to ‘feel’ the energy in my hands and how to interpret the feelings in my own body to give me a picture of how to support the animal or person I was working with. My hands would heat up or cool down, sometimes I felt tingling and other times vibration. This was the energy working through me and I was focused on really getting to know how the energy was communicating with me. It was many many hours of practice to know what feelings happened when and find consistency to create a language of feel. In 2008 I was attuned as a Reiki Master/Teacher and went on to teach Reiki for many years.
Shamanic practice found me at a Wellness Event in NH. It was 2010 and I began a 2 year study program to experience Shamanism, and the Dagara, West African Cosmology Wheel. Learning about how the elementals (Nature, Water, Earth, Mineral and Fire) brought healing through ceremony and ritual. Malidoma Some and Ann Sousa were incredible, devoted teachers, both now in Spirit. Studies included Shamanic journeying, psycho pump, power animals, divinations, and a level of personal healing that unraveled the blockages within me that I was not prepared for, yet changed my life.
Nancy Windheart, Interspecies Communicator was introduced to me by a dear friend. Her love of all species and extensive wisdom around communication inspired me to join a 3 day event in Sedona AZ. Her blending heart love with all species, authentic care for the Planet and new techniques for opening my channel for receiving, culminated in a transformative time and one that would shift my abilities to a whole other level of awareness. My time with Nancy expanded my trust in receiving and my connection to all species which created an easier channel for my senses to be enlivened by the world around me.
Many online classes with Alberto Villoldo, Sandra Ingerrman, Evelyn Rysnik and Puma deepened my Shamanic connection within Nature and the Animals to create opportunities for healing and honoring their wisdom.
In 2016 the Universe presented me with an opportunity to study with Dr Steven Farmer in California. This 9 month program enhanced all that I had learned in Shamanism and expanded the ceremony and rituals to a deeper level of understanding. We were studying towards the Earth Magic Practitioner Certification. From Shamanic journeying and techniques learned from Michael Harner to Dr Farmer’s own personal journey of exploration, we learned how to integrate drumming into a healing session. Breathwork to clear our own beings to unravel areas of our lives that were buried deep. It was an intense, incredible opportunity to learn from a man who had dedicated his own life to Shamanism, Earth and the Animals.
Speaker, Facilitator and Program Creator for over 2 Decades:
*Lectured at UNH Equine Facility and UNH Animal Science Center in Durham, NH.
*Taught Reiki to the faculty and staff at St. Johnsbury Academy in VT.
*PHUR (Provide Healing Using Reiki) program she created as an animal shelter volunteer program from 2008-2018 at NHSPCA and Animal Welfare Society in ME. Since 2023 at Pope Memorial Humane Society CVHS in Dover NH
*Shamanic Journeying and Self Discovery events in New England, Alabama, and remotely.
*NH & ME Wildlife Rehabbers – facilitating workshops to support volunteers self-care and open understanding of animals in their care.
*Intuitive and Telepathic Communication individual sessions in the US, and Internationally.
*Michele’s articles have been published in The Reiki Times, Massachusetts Horse, Nicker News and the New England Seacoast Holistic Health Association website and journal.
*Michele has been interviewed on a National Reiki Summit, A Beautiful Life Deep Dive Podcast and many other radio shows.
*Michele attended author events featuring 2 of her books The Rock and Hindsight is 20/20 in New England, Alabama, and California.
*Michele has channeled “Echoe’s Words of Wisdom” and shared them on social media since 2014 (also found at www.nikoenaturaltherapies.com). Echoe’s book “The Rock” is available for purchase
*Heartspeak – channeled poetry with Sunshine (a miniature horse) shared on social media since 2016 (meet Sunshine). Her two books are now available of over 70 profound and heart felt poems accompanied by a hand drawn Oracle Deck: “When Crooked Teeth Go Straight” and “Savour the Taste”
The very best moment was when my voice cleared, and I was able to confidently advocate for my dog, Nira, and my horse, Echoe. Speaking with veterinarians with clarity and wisdom, making my own choices, following the options they presented. I witnessed that taking the alternative route was transforming Nira, Echoe and myself into a magical world of healing. We were harmonizing with Natural Medicines, energy work and finding the gifts that had been eager to birth through me for so long.
These experiences led to sharing my knowledge with a wisdom that felt so empowering. I was rebirthing into the world that Kobo’s passing had kicked me in to. I felt the calling to share with as many people as possible, to let them know the hidden truths and to educate people in the expansive choices in natural health care available to their beloved companions.
This initial very devastating experience had lifted me out of the depths of despair into an inspired, intuitive, heartfelt strength to give animals the voice they deserve and their opportunity to teach humanity how we can support them in a very different, effective, and empowered way.
Since Kobo’s transition in 1999, I have been given the opportunity to teach at UNH’s Animal program in New Hampshire, written multiple articles for magazines and been interviewed on many podcasts to share how our interaction with animals can be developed to a deeper, heart centered, intuitive way.
Nikoe Natural Therapies was born in 2001 and has helped many hundreds of people support their animals at all stages of life, into transition, and connection with them in Spirit. The clients, who are now referred to me, are often unable to determine a next step for their companions, or have received a diagnosis that they are unsure of, and want to explore alternative options prior to making any decision.
Since 2008, I created a shelter program called PHUR (Provide Healing Using Reiki) to give rescue animals a voice. This program has been incredibly successful in helping the animals to heal emotionally which creates improved opportunity for adoption. We have witnessed amazing transformations before our eyes of animals choosing to find purpose in their own lives again and trusting humanity after humanity had treated them so poorly. This program has run successfully in shelters around New Hampshire and Maine with incredible results.
More recently a new podcast “Intuitive Guidance from Animals” has been created. During these shows our guests and their animals are sharing profound stories, covering many topics and always include a reading the animal shares with me prior to the show. These heart transformative stories express how their animals have guided their own journey of healing. Prior teachers and mentors are also bringing their wisdom to the show. We are bringing even more opportunity to share the mission through this platform.
Our animals are showing us the way forward through their sickness we are finding alternative resources for improved health. Through their emotional behaviors we are learning about toxicity overload, chemicals and preservatives that affect the mind as much as the body. Through their ability to be in the present moment they guide us in the use of healing modalities, they are in their truth, and show us what works and what does not. We only have to ask questions and listen for the answers. Through animal communication, our new podcast, healing modalities, and nature’s medicine, our companions are showing us how to improve the quality and longevity of their lives, and remind us to do the same!
Join me as I bring over 20 years of experience from our Natural world into a 2 hour workshop to Develop Your Animal Communication Skills. I will share all the profound pathways taken to clear my own conduit for receiving beautiful, compassionate, loving and sometimes honestly shocking communication. These intuitive skills are ones you and I are born with and are being invited to resurface to give the animals a voice, advocacy and to bring their wisdom to others.