Blessings and welcome to June (2012). The summer is such a special time of the year, an opportunity to reap all you dreamed about over the Winter, and all the seeds sewn during the Spring. Life lessons seem to be abundant at this time with great opportunities to step in to your own authenticity, truth and unconditional love to yourself and others are very present. The animals continue to reflect where I am in my own journey, on a daily basis. Something I am so grateful for as their level of guidance and wisdom always steers me in the right direction.
The animals that present themselves to us may be those who were our companions and have now crossed in to the other world, the wildlife that visit us daily to pass on their messages, or our own pets. When we listen to all they have to share with us, we can open to them as teachers, mentors and guides, helping us in our life’s lessons and challenges. As we learn from them how to be in the present moment our perception of the world around us becomes more alive and vibrant.
Last night I had the honor of leading a meditation and discussion titled “Life Lessons from our Spiritual and Physical Animal Friends”, at the Unity of the Seacoast in Rollinsford NH. It was incredible to watch as they began to connect in different ways to an awareness that was already present in their lives but just needed a nudge to see it more clearly. I realized this was a way to share the expansive knowledge and guidance our animals have for us. The ability to tap in and listen to all they have to say and to surrender and act on the messages they offer us.
Many of the workshops I have created, are born from experiences like this where I realize how to reach people in different ways. This experience has created a brand new workshop and maybe even a series of workshops which bring us closer to our animal kingdom through meditation, and daily exercises to remain connected to those animals that are stepping forward to help us. I would welcome your thoughts on this opportunity.
I continue to reach out to different venues to share the messages from our animals. If you would like to schedule a workshop at your dog club, horse club, health center or local animal shelter, please connect with me so we can chat more about it.
Private, remote and group sessions for you and your animals are available, schedule a session or call for more information at 207-289-0009.
I look forward to serving you and your animals, with guidance from spirit, as always.