Thank you so much, Michele! You made an unbearable situation more manageable. We couldn’t have gotten through this without your guidance. Lilly went peacefully after eating grass for the first time in 8 years. We stayed with her for 1.5 hours after her heart stopped. We felt her spirit leave her body just as described. There was a cool soft breeze that was warm at the end. All 3 of us had a hand on her and her body went from warm to cool instantly at that moment.
This is a picture of the view she had in her final moments.
Please thank Adrieanne for all her help too. Despite being heartbroken, it was the right thing to do for Lilly. Our deepest gratitude
(Adrieanne is a dear friend and incredible herbalist who was a gift to so many in her connection with horses and other animals. Adored by those whose lives she touched. She transitioned in 2020 and is dearly missed by us all ).