Are you ready for the wonders of life itself to re-emerge and show you its vastness and vibrancy that will shift and uplift this incredible Planet?
Mother Earth and all her Beings, seen and unseen are ready to bring an awareness of life that the indigenous peoples have known for thousands of years. Reigniting the desire for Oneness, listening, and the love within our hearts will raise our experience of the life your Soul embodied to learn about or remind you about by tapping in to your bone memory and opening up all that you came here to share with others.
Many Souls have come here in new forms to show us how stuck and rigid we have been taught to be. Those children
who refuse to fit into the box of teachings and how to show up. The many forms these Souls are exhibiting, are here to
help us recognize that our discomfort is an opportunity to look within and see where our limited beliefs are holding us
bac from a challenging, difficult, yet magical time of existence. Or we may be very accepting, or even noticing that there
is no separation as we embrace the lessons these Souls are offering us.
Any suffering is to awaken us, to become aware that as much as we may think or act like we are in control and have our
lives and surroundings planned out – the truth is we are always in the mystery – “Best Laid Plans”. How adaptive are we
when life throws a curve ball and our challenge is how we walk through it?
In the past 2-3 years we have all been challenged with an array of emotions, losses, looking deeply at our lives, our
partners, relationships – where have we lost ourselves and where have we exponentially grown. The mirror that we are
all being asked to look in to and really explore our lives, is an opportunity to seek those areas where we are limiting
ourselves, filled with fear, wanting to do things differently and how do we take those steps forward to find the balance
and clarity we ultimately all wish for.
When we trust and believe we have many seen and unseen Allies, then we know we can reach out at any time to ask for
guidance, support, love and the next step. We can walk our own path as we are all unique and no path is the same. As
we stay in our own lane, so we build clarity and momentum, receive the definitive signs and then those moments where
synchronicity lines up and shows us the way are right in front of us, if we are willing and open to be present enough to
act on our intuition and follow through. Those feelings, knowings, voices and visions are very real and there for your
Are you feeling skeptical? That is a balanced place to ask yourself if what you are experiencing is true – “Is this true?”.
You will feel ease and flow, positive emotions or maybe you will hear or see a big YES! And if it’s not true, you will feel
resistance, questioning and your body may feel uncomfortable. And there is always the ego, there to keep you smaller
and feeling like you are limited in how much you can grow. “Stay here in this space where it is safe!” As you track your
visceral response to the question every time you ask it, so you will know yourself better and receive the answers you
seek as your intuition expands and your trust in the mystery becomes more significant. (And honestly, we could chat
about this topic a whole lot more – this is the tip of the iceberg to know yourself better – a great book to read is The
Fifth Agreement by Don Miguel Ruiz which explains this concept from a Tao perspective.)
When you spend time exploring Nature, being with Wildlife, or your own animal companions, become fully aware of
how the elements (air, wind, water and fire) interact with your every thought – then you blend and weave with the One
Consciousness of this stunning Planet that we all inhabit together, bringing harmony to you which has the ripple effect
like a pebble in the water and it will reach out to others.